Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hesperia Days 5k Run - 92

Hello and Welcome.

Day 92 of my 365 Day Photography Journey.

My daughter ran in the Hesperia Days 5k run today. She did well. I'm not sure if it was her first 5k or not, but she crossed in a little over 28 minutes, which I believe beat my last 5k by about a lot.

The last 5k run I was in, paramedics followed me throughout the race. They apparently didn't like what they saw. When I crossed the finish line everyone who had run the race was there to cheer me across.

Is she even working hard?
 I took over 800 photos of the race and parade in a span of 2 hours. I'll be posting some of those images over the next coming days.

Leaders at the turn.

The end of the race at the turn. I cut to the chase.

Fan and one of the organizers! Thank You!

Just Walkin!

Just having fun!

More fun!

Just Chill-in!

Mom! I'm Done!
The Roller Blade portion of the race.
The Leaders at the turn!

I can do this!

No problem!
I need more lean!

Ain't no thang!

Here we go! We got this!

Um, I can do this!

Hang in there, almost through the corner!

Having trouble.

He's down, but is he out?

Gravity can't stop me!

Back in the race.

Thank You and make a great day.