Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why do I still have these glasses?

Hello and Welcome.

Day 70 of my 365 Day Photography Journey.

I went to pull out an old mechanical pencil from the catch all drawer and found these: old glasses. I asked myself, "Self, why do you still have these?" I tried them on and they fit, but I wasn't able to see any better then without them. So, why do I keep them? I thought some time back that since I paid $200 for designer frames I'd just get the lenses to fit my expensive frames and beat the system. They charge more for cutting lenses for designer glasses then they would just buying a new pair of frames. And I still kept them. I didn't grow up in the depression, which might explain why I might not throw them away. I can get a new prescription and glasses for under $75 now, and yet I keep them. Maybe I'm reminded that the doctor didn't mess up and I really needed a new prescription. Maybe I think about that Twilight Zone episode, were the world was destroyed, save one man who, never had enough time to read books because so many of life's interruptions, hid in a bank vault and found himself sitting on the steps of the library, with stacks of books sorted by the year he was going to read them. As he was jumping with glee over the thought of no interruptions during his book reading time, his glasses fell off his face and broke. He was completely blind without them.

If this happened to me, my old glasses would still be of no use to me. And yet, I keep them. Look at them, they have so many scratches. I don't think I could get the sun to focus enough rays to start a fire, they are so messed up. But yet, I keep them.

Here they are.

I'll most likely throw them away tomorrow!

Make a great day.

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