Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thank you France, Spain and Dutch Republic


Day 18 of my 365 day photography journey

I'd like to wish you all a good day.

Today, instead of talking about the USA and what our forefathers went through to achieve independence from Great Britain I'm going to say thank you to our allies that provided instrumental assistance.

From the early on set of war with Great Britain, the USA was receiving supplies secretly from France, Spain and the Dutch Republic.

Below is a picture of the French flag that fly's over Institut de France, just across from Notre Dame, in Paris, France. Colors look familiar?

I think we Americans tend to be a bit prideful, forgetting who helped us make this country what it is today.

In February of 1778 the French actually signed a declaration of war against Great Britain and recognized the USA as an independent governing body. There is some debate about whether the USA could have won the war without the French Army but there is no debate about whether the USA could have won without supplies provided by the French, Spanish and Dutch Republic. Supplies were instrumental to several of George Washington's victories very early in the war and continued to arm the revolutionaries through to it's end.

Thank you France, Spain and the Dutch Republic for your assistance with the Revolutionary War.

To change gears on you. When we celebrate our independence do we celebrate the defeat of Great Britain? I think they go hand in hand. When we celebrate a victory aren't we celebrating the defeat of a foe, be it sports, wars or arguments?

I personally don't take pride in being a member of the United States of America. Please don't throw stones before you hear me out. I consider myself blessed and fortunate to be born here. I can't imagine growing up in any other country but would I be any less a person if I was a member of another country? Would I have any less rights? I don't think so. I may not have the freedom to exercise those rights without repercussions but I could still exercise what I believed to be my rights. Does being born in another country make one less my brother or sister? Does being born Iranian make one less human? I don't know of any belief system that thinks people of different countries came from a different mother and father when one goes back to the very beginning of the human species. For me, I believe if I take pride in being an American I'm basically saying I'm glad I'm not French, Russian, or maybe Korean. What good does it do me to take pride in something I had no control over? Taking pride in a personal goal or accomplishment makes more sense then celebrating the defeat of my brothers.

All end with that and wish you a very good day!
Make a Great Day!!

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